St. Ann Faith Formation Handbook
Thank you for reviewing our Faith Formation handbook. We are excited to provide your student and family with a solid Catholic faith education.
Built by the Community
Our Faith Formation program and its successes are very dependent on active parent participation at both weekly masses and at Faith Formation. Our children are so very hungry for truth! Let us serve them with Christ-like hearts. No volunteer position requires unrealistic commitment, as we are happy to work with each volunteer to find a niche that best fits your time and talent.
Who, When, and Where
1st-3rd grade students meet Wednesday from 2:15pm-3:00pm. Students will be bused to and from the JWP Public School to the St Ann's.
4th-6th grade students meet Wednesday nights from 6pm-7pm, with Mass being held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend Mass. Depending on time, students will be dismissed or go back to class. If Mass is cancelled due to Father not being able to be there, normal classes will be held.
7th-10th grade students meet Wednesday from 8:25am-9:05am, with Mass being held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 8:30am. All parishioners are welcome to attend Mass. Depending on time, students will be dismissed or go back to class. If Mass is cancelled due to Father not being able to be there, normal classes will be held. Students will be bused to and from the JWP Public School to the St Ann's or use their own form of transportation. If using their own form of transportation, please remind them of being a responsible driving and pedestrian safety. Local police will be called if reckless or irresponsible driving is observed.
Sacramental Preparation for 2nd & Confirmation Students
Our 2nd grade students prepare for and receive two very beautiful sacraments of our faith: their sins are forgiven as they make their First Reconciliation, and they are given the gift of eternal life when they consume the Real Presence; the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Jesus in First Holy Communion.
Our Confirmation students prepare to be received into the Church community as they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation.
***If your child(ren) are receiving either of these gifts, and he/she were not baptized at either St. Ann or St. Joseph please provide their baptismal documents to have on file at St. Ann. More individual information will be given to these grades at a later date.
Faith Formation Information
Registration Fees
Registration Fees are as follows: 1st, 3rd-9th: $30, 2nd: $60, 10th: $65, 11th- 12th: $15 . Special cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Please do not hesitate to contact the Faith Formation Coordinator at [email protected]. We are happy to work with you to best serve the mission of Christ and His Church. No family or student will be turned away.
**Reminder you must be a registered family at St. Ann Catholic Church to attend Faith Formation Classes. If you are a non-parishioner and would still like to attend Faith Formation please contact [email protected]
Catechist Discount for Faith Formation Service Commitment
The catechist discount reflects our catechists’ work commitment, and to better reward those who give so freely of their time and talent. Volunteer Catechists that teach weekly classes will receive a full discount for each sibling/child registered in St. Ann Faith Formation program. Volunteer Substitutes that sub six or more times will receive a half discount for each sibling/child registered in the St. Ann Faith Formation program. This will be refunded at the end of the Faith Formation year. Thank you to all who volunteer your time and gifts to St. Ann and our youth!
Student Guidelines & Expectations
Students are expected to attend every class. Attendance is taken daily. All materials covered and any homework assigned will be made up by the student. Teachers will assist in this, but the student is responsible to complete the work. If they will be absent from a class a parent or guardian will email [email protected]. Unexplained and/or excessive absences may result in a conference with the student, parents, Director of Faith Formation, and Father. Any unexcused absences during the day classes will count towards the JWP Schools attendance policy and attendance award.
Faith Formation Students are not allowed to leave the Church grounds during Faith Formation hours without prior approval from Father or the Faith Formation Coordinator.
Electronic devices, headphones, food, drinks, gum, toys, etc. will not be allowed in class unless there is a special event or holiday.
Cell phones must be turned off during class. If a catechist sees or hears a cell phone it may be confiscated for the duration of class.
Respect the church, school and student property. Leave classrooms as they were found upon arrival.
Respect yourself and others; listen quietly, contribute to class discussion in turn.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Arrive prepared to learn and ready to contribute to the class.
Discipline Policy
1. The teacher will verbally correct the student by directing the student to stop the unacceptable behavior and to conform to expected behaviors.
2. If the unacceptable behavior continues, the student will be sent to the Coordinator of Faith Formation for the remainder of the class. The Faith Formation Coordinator will call or email a parent to let them know that their child was sent out of class. Also, a slip will be sent home for the parent(s) to sign and return before the student can return to class.
3. If a student receives two slips the Coordinator of Faith Formation/student will call the parent(s) and they may have to come and pick up their child. At that point, a conference may be needed with parent(s), Coordinator of Faith Formation, and Father to discuss possible classes with Father, a parent sitting in at Faith Formation Classes or possible removal of child from the program.
Contact Information
Please feel free to email [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns. We are thankful for all feedback as we work to further develop this program.
Visit our Facebook page St. Ann-Janesville/St. Joseph-Waldorf.
Thank you for reviewing our Faith Formation handbook. We are excited to provide your student and family with a solid Catholic faith education.
Built by the Community
Our Faith Formation program and its successes are very dependent on active parent participation at both weekly masses and at Faith Formation. Our children are so very hungry for truth! Let us serve them with Christ-like hearts. No volunteer position requires unrealistic commitment, as we are happy to work with each volunteer to find a niche that best fits your time and talent.
Who, When, and Where
1st-3rd grade students meet Wednesday from 2:15pm-3:00pm. Students will be bused to and from the JWP Public School to the St Ann's.
4th-6th grade students meet Wednesday nights from 6pm-7pm, with Mass being held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend Mass. Depending on time, students will be dismissed or go back to class. If Mass is cancelled due to Father not being able to be there, normal classes will be held.
7th-10th grade students meet Wednesday from 8:25am-9:05am, with Mass being held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 8:30am. All parishioners are welcome to attend Mass. Depending on time, students will be dismissed or go back to class. If Mass is cancelled due to Father not being able to be there, normal classes will be held. Students will be bused to and from the JWP Public School to the St Ann's or use their own form of transportation. If using their own form of transportation, please remind them of being a responsible driving and pedestrian safety. Local police will be called if reckless or irresponsible driving is observed.
Sacramental Preparation for 2nd & Confirmation Students
Our 2nd grade students prepare for and receive two very beautiful sacraments of our faith: their sins are forgiven as they make their First Reconciliation, and they are given the gift of eternal life when they consume the Real Presence; the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Jesus in First Holy Communion.
Our Confirmation students prepare to be received into the Church community as they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation.
***If your child(ren) are receiving either of these gifts, and he/she were not baptized at either St. Ann or St. Joseph please provide their baptismal documents to have on file at St. Ann. More individual information will be given to these grades at a later date.
Faith Formation Information
Registration Fees
Registration Fees are as follows: 1st, 3rd-9th: $30, 2nd: $60, 10th: $65, 11th- 12th: $15 . Special cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Please do not hesitate to contact the Faith Formation Coordinator at [email protected]. We are happy to work with you to best serve the mission of Christ and His Church. No family or student will be turned away.
**Reminder you must be a registered family at St. Ann Catholic Church to attend Faith Formation Classes. If you are a non-parishioner and would still like to attend Faith Formation please contact [email protected]
Catechist Discount for Faith Formation Service Commitment
The catechist discount reflects our catechists’ work commitment, and to better reward those who give so freely of their time and talent. Volunteer Catechists that teach weekly classes will receive a full discount for each sibling/child registered in St. Ann Faith Formation program. Volunteer Substitutes that sub six or more times will receive a half discount for each sibling/child registered in the St. Ann Faith Formation program. This will be refunded at the end of the Faith Formation year. Thank you to all who volunteer your time and gifts to St. Ann and our youth!
Student Guidelines & Expectations
Students are expected to attend every class. Attendance is taken daily. All materials covered and any homework assigned will be made up by the student. Teachers will assist in this, but the student is responsible to complete the work. If they will be absent from a class a parent or guardian will email [email protected]. Unexplained and/or excessive absences may result in a conference with the student, parents, Director of Faith Formation, and Father. Any unexcused absences during the day classes will count towards the JWP Schools attendance policy and attendance award.
Faith Formation Students are not allowed to leave the Church grounds during Faith Formation hours without prior approval from Father or the Faith Formation Coordinator.
Electronic devices, headphones, food, drinks, gum, toys, etc. will not be allowed in class unless there is a special event or holiday.
Cell phones must be turned off during class. If a catechist sees or hears a cell phone it may be confiscated for the duration of class.
Respect the church, school and student property. Leave classrooms as they were found upon arrival.
Respect yourself and others; listen quietly, contribute to class discussion in turn.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Arrive prepared to learn and ready to contribute to the class.
Discipline Policy
1. The teacher will verbally correct the student by directing the student to stop the unacceptable behavior and to conform to expected behaviors.
2. If the unacceptable behavior continues, the student will be sent to the Coordinator of Faith Formation for the remainder of the class. The Faith Formation Coordinator will call or email a parent to let them know that their child was sent out of class. Also, a slip will be sent home for the parent(s) to sign and return before the student can return to class.
3. If a student receives two slips the Coordinator of Faith Formation/student will call the parent(s) and they may have to come and pick up their child. At that point, a conference may be needed with parent(s), Coordinator of Faith Formation, and Father to discuss possible classes with Father, a parent sitting in at Faith Formation Classes or possible removal of child from the program.
Contact Information
Please feel free to email [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns. We are thankful for all feedback as we work to further develop this program.
Visit our Facebook page St. Ann-Janesville/St. Joseph-Waldorf.