History of Saint Ann Catholic Church in Janesville
The history of Saint Ann Catholic Church is a part of the history of southern Minnesota. The first settlements of any size in our area were located in Faribault, Owatonna, and Mankato. The closest Catholic settlement was at Faribault. In 1856, Fr. George Keller organized a Catholic group at St. Mary's in rural Waseca County. The first services were held at the home of John Lynch.
In 1874, Fr. Joseph Herman had taken on the St. Mary's pastorate. He then established additional churches at Saint Ann, Janesville and Sacred Heart, Waseca in 1876. The first services were held in Jennison's Hall in Janesville, and in 1876 the first Church of St. Ann was built in Janesville. The chartering families included: Cahill, Sullivan, Jewison, Burke, Mulcahey, Lilly, Vaughan, Joyce, Hugo, Murphy, Moonan, Campion, Keeley, Gorman, Larkin, Glynn, Hogan, and Bradish among others. The first child baptized in the new church was Mrs. Anna (Keeley) Burns.
In October 1923, major remodeling of the church occurred. The church was extended and a basement was dug and eventually the outside of the church was bricked. Parishioners with horses and slushers did the work of digging the basement. The work was completed the following spring. The church is of Gothic architecture. The exterior is brick with Kasota stone trimmings. After Fr. Condron's death, Fr. John Parkinson was assigned as pastor of Saint Ann Church. Under his supervision, the present rectory was built in 1927. The new rectory was finished by Christmastime. A barn once stood where the present garage is located. It was used to keep a cow and horses. The horses were used to take the priest to Iosco to say Mass.
Msgr. English arrived in 1941 and served at Saint Ann until his death in 1960. He is buried in Saint Ann's Cemetery. Fr. John Cody and Fr. Donald Grubish came as assistants during the years of 1957 to 1960. In 1960, Fr. Wilford Sullivan took over as pastor.
In 1961, our present Parish Center was built. It was dedicated on October 12, 1961. In 1966, the original wood altars were removed from the church and were replaced by the present Kasota Stone altars. In July 1974, Fr. Sullivan was replaced by Fr. Clayton Haberman. The church was completely redecorated in 1976 and an open stairway was installed in the front entrance of the church. In order to use the parish center more fully, it included taking out a wall in one of the classrooms to make a social hall and the kitchen was moved into a hallway. The cabinets and other items were brought over from the area used as a kitchen in the lower level of the church.
Fr. Elmer Kellen was assigned to Saint Ann in 1982. He served until 1989 when he was replaced by Fr. Syl Brown. Since 1989, many projects were done to improve the church grounds and buildings. Some of the larger projects include: In the Parish Center a full kitchen was completed, new lighting and ceilings were installed, soundproof dividers were added in three classrooms, the restrooms were remodeled, and a new sidewalk entrance. A wonderful south entrance was added to the rectory allowing easier access to the parish office and meeting room in the lower level. The acquiring of a lot for parking, a retaining wall on the west side of the church and adding a beautiful memorial flower garden and a tribute for the unborn with a marker surrounded with a trellis covered with roses fronting old Highway 14. In the church, air conditioning was installed, the stain glass windows were refurbished and protective glass added, the roof was re-shingled, a lift for the infirm was added in the Sacristy area of the church and a canopy over the side entrance. A gathering area was made directly under the balcony. New furnaces were installed and the church restrooms were updated. The steps to the church on the north side were repaired.
We continue to pray that we are and will be better people and a parish that our ancestors would be proud of.
Each of the priests, sisters, and lay ministers who have served at Saint Ann have touched our lives in special ways. For sharing their lives with us - we are grateful.
Just as generations past have done, we will continue to be committed to our faith, worship, fellowship, and to the betterment of our church.
Pastors who have served Saint Ann Catholic Church include:
Fr. Joseph Herman......................................1876-1881
Fr. P. Diagnault............................................1881-1885
Fr. Patrick O'Neill........................................1885-1888
Fr. Patrick Ryan...........................................1888-1904
Fr. M. Riordan.............................................1904-1906
Fr. Patrick Fox.............................................1906-1916
Fr. Thomas J. McCarthy..............................1916-1917
Fr. Stephen Condron...................................1917-1927
Fr. John Parkinson......................................1927-1944
Fr. Francis Graf (Assistant).........................1941
Fr. Paul Sainsbury (Assistant).....................1942-1944
Msgr. Frank T. English................................1945-1960
Fr. John Cody (Assistant)............................1957
Fr. Donald Grubisch (Assistant)................. 1958-1960
Fr. Wilford D. Sullivan................................ 1960-1974
Fr. Clayton J. Haberman.............................1974-1982
Fr. Elmer Kellen..........................................1982-1989
Fr. Robert Schneider.................................1992
Fr. Syl Brown...............................................1989-2002
Fr. Glenn Frerichs.......................................2002-2007
Fr. Syl Brown...............................................2008
Fr. Peter J. Klein..........................................2008-2013
Fr. Chinnappa Pothireddy.......................2013-2014
Fr. Michael J. Cronin...................................2014-2019
Fr. Antony Arokiyam..................................2019-2020
Fr. Brian Mulligan.......................................2020-2023
Fr. Robert Schneider................................2023-
In 1874, Fr. Joseph Herman had taken on the St. Mary's pastorate. He then established additional churches at Saint Ann, Janesville and Sacred Heart, Waseca in 1876. The first services were held in Jennison's Hall in Janesville, and in 1876 the first Church of St. Ann was built in Janesville. The chartering families included: Cahill, Sullivan, Jewison, Burke, Mulcahey, Lilly, Vaughan, Joyce, Hugo, Murphy, Moonan, Campion, Keeley, Gorman, Larkin, Glynn, Hogan, and Bradish among others. The first child baptized in the new church was Mrs. Anna (Keeley) Burns.
In October 1923, major remodeling of the church occurred. The church was extended and a basement was dug and eventually the outside of the church was bricked. Parishioners with horses and slushers did the work of digging the basement. The work was completed the following spring. The church is of Gothic architecture. The exterior is brick with Kasota stone trimmings. After Fr. Condron's death, Fr. John Parkinson was assigned as pastor of Saint Ann Church. Under his supervision, the present rectory was built in 1927. The new rectory was finished by Christmastime. A barn once stood where the present garage is located. It was used to keep a cow and horses. The horses were used to take the priest to Iosco to say Mass.
Msgr. English arrived in 1941 and served at Saint Ann until his death in 1960. He is buried in Saint Ann's Cemetery. Fr. John Cody and Fr. Donald Grubish came as assistants during the years of 1957 to 1960. In 1960, Fr. Wilford Sullivan took over as pastor.
In 1961, our present Parish Center was built. It was dedicated on October 12, 1961. In 1966, the original wood altars were removed from the church and were replaced by the present Kasota Stone altars. In July 1974, Fr. Sullivan was replaced by Fr. Clayton Haberman. The church was completely redecorated in 1976 and an open stairway was installed in the front entrance of the church. In order to use the parish center more fully, it included taking out a wall in one of the classrooms to make a social hall and the kitchen was moved into a hallway. The cabinets and other items were brought over from the area used as a kitchen in the lower level of the church.
Fr. Elmer Kellen was assigned to Saint Ann in 1982. He served until 1989 when he was replaced by Fr. Syl Brown. Since 1989, many projects were done to improve the church grounds and buildings. Some of the larger projects include: In the Parish Center a full kitchen was completed, new lighting and ceilings were installed, soundproof dividers were added in three classrooms, the restrooms were remodeled, and a new sidewalk entrance. A wonderful south entrance was added to the rectory allowing easier access to the parish office and meeting room in the lower level. The acquiring of a lot for parking, a retaining wall on the west side of the church and adding a beautiful memorial flower garden and a tribute for the unborn with a marker surrounded with a trellis covered with roses fronting old Highway 14. In the church, air conditioning was installed, the stain glass windows were refurbished and protective glass added, the roof was re-shingled, a lift for the infirm was added in the Sacristy area of the church and a canopy over the side entrance. A gathering area was made directly under the balcony. New furnaces were installed and the church restrooms were updated. The steps to the church on the north side were repaired.
We continue to pray that we are and will be better people and a parish that our ancestors would be proud of.
Each of the priests, sisters, and lay ministers who have served at Saint Ann have touched our lives in special ways. For sharing their lives with us - we are grateful.
Just as generations past have done, we will continue to be committed to our faith, worship, fellowship, and to the betterment of our church.
Pastors who have served Saint Ann Catholic Church include:
Fr. Joseph Herman......................................1876-1881
Fr. P. Diagnault............................................1881-1885
Fr. Patrick O'Neill........................................1885-1888
Fr. Patrick Ryan...........................................1888-1904
Fr. M. Riordan.............................................1904-1906
Fr. Patrick Fox.............................................1906-1916
Fr. Thomas J. McCarthy..............................1916-1917
Fr. Stephen Condron...................................1917-1927
Fr. John Parkinson......................................1927-1944
Fr. Francis Graf (Assistant).........................1941
Fr. Paul Sainsbury (Assistant).....................1942-1944
Msgr. Frank T. English................................1945-1960
Fr. John Cody (Assistant)............................1957
Fr. Donald Grubisch (Assistant)................. 1958-1960
Fr. Wilford D. Sullivan................................ 1960-1974
Fr. Clayton J. Haberman.............................1974-1982
Fr. Elmer Kellen..........................................1982-1989
Fr. Robert Schneider.................................1992
Fr. Syl Brown...............................................1989-2002
Fr. Glenn Frerichs.......................................2002-2007
Fr. Syl Brown...............................................2008
Fr. Peter J. Klein..........................................2008-2013
Fr. Chinnappa Pothireddy.......................2013-2014
Fr. Michael J. Cronin...................................2014-2019
Fr. Antony Arokiyam..................................2019-2020
Fr. Brian Mulligan.......................................2020-2023
Fr. Robert Schneider................................2023-