Talk about your child's Baptism using the following questions.
- When and where were you baptized?
- Who was at my baptism? Priest, family, friend, sponsors (Godparents)?
- When and where were you baptized?
- Who was at my baptism? Priest, family, friend, sponsors (Godparents)?
Explain the following items that were used at your child's Baptism:
Water - The water signifies the washing away of sin and celebrating a new life in Christ.
Oil - The oil, which is put on the chest, is a symbol to give us strength.
Oil of Chrism (also used at Confirmation) - The oil is rubbed on the forehead signifying that we are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Answer and discuss these questions with your child.
- After Baptism, whose special family do I belong to?
God's Family
- How do I continue to grow as a member of God’s family?
Follow the Ten Commandments, attend Mass, pray, etc.
- After Baptism, whose special family do I belong to?
God's Family
- How do I continue to grow as a member of God’s family?
Follow the Ten Commandments, attend Mass, pray, etc.
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