Confirmation Information 2021
Confirmation Date: May 2, 2021
time TBD
time TBD
Expectations of Confirmation Student
1. A retreat must be attended through our parish or another approved parish retreat.
2. You must attend our scheduled Faith Formation classes. Classes are from 8:25am-9:10am.
3. Ten hours of individual service hours are required. A few examples include going to the nursing home, volunteering at a food shelf, assisting or subbing for faith formation, helping at the church dinners not included in our group service hours (see #4). The “Individual Service Hour” online form must be filled out after you have completed each of these hours.
4. Two group service projects must be completed.
5. Attending weekly Mass and holy days is expected.
6. You and your sponsor (participating Catholic/can’t be your parent) must perform a service project, different from the service hours and group service projects listed above. These could include, but not limited to, helping at the food shelf, packaging food at “Feed my Starving Children”, cleaning ditches, volunteering as gift bearers/greeters/choir members at Mass, or attending Adoration. The “Sponsor Service Project” online form must be filled out after you have completed this.
7. Letters of “Request of Confirmation” will need to be written to the Bishop. Sponsor’s will also need to write a “Recommendation of Confirmation” for the Confirmation Student. Please submit these by using the online forms.
8. You will need to pick a Saint Name or your Baptismal Name and research him/her. The Bishop may “quiz” you the night of Confirmation. Please fill out the online form with the name you have chosen.
9. An interview with Father, the candidate, parents and sponsor is required. Open times to meet are made available for you to sign up or if an additional time is needed, please contact Father.
If the above mentioned Diocesan and/or Faith Formation program requirements are not met, extra Confirmation classes with Father to help better prepare you for your Sacrament may be needed.
Confirmation Students-To be Confirmed is one of the most important decisions you will have. Your Sacrament this year solidifies your beliefs in the church and its teachings. If you have any doubts I strongly recommend you talk to your parents, sponsor, Father, your teacher or another adult to get your questions answered and reaffirm your request to be Confirmed. Parents-The Baptismal promises you made at your child’s baptism solidifies that you will help them and guide them through their faith life. Continue to be role models and the primary teachers of our faith.
1. A retreat must be attended through our parish or another approved parish retreat.
2. You must attend our scheduled Faith Formation classes. Classes are from 8:25am-9:10am.
3. Ten hours of individual service hours are required. A few examples include going to the nursing home, volunteering at a food shelf, assisting or subbing for faith formation, helping at the church dinners not included in our group service hours (see #4). The “Individual Service Hour” online form must be filled out after you have completed each of these hours.
4. Two group service projects must be completed.
5. Attending weekly Mass and holy days is expected.
6. You and your sponsor (participating Catholic/can’t be your parent) must perform a service project, different from the service hours and group service projects listed above. These could include, but not limited to, helping at the food shelf, packaging food at “Feed my Starving Children”, cleaning ditches, volunteering as gift bearers/greeters/choir members at Mass, or attending Adoration. The “Sponsor Service Project” online form must be filled out after you have completed this.
7. Letters of “Request of Confirmation” will need to be written to the Bishop. Sponsor’s will also need to write a “Recommendation of Confirmation” for the Confirmation Student. Please submit these by using the online forms.
8. You will need to pick a Saint Name or your Baptismal Name and research him/her. The Bishop may “quiz” you the night of Confirmation. Please fill out the online form with the name you have chosen.
9. An interview with Father, the candidate, parents and sponsor is required. Open times to meet are made available for you to sign up or if an additional time is needed, please contact Father.
If the above mentioned Diocesan and/or Faith Formation program requirements are not met, extra Confirmation classes with Father to help better prepare you for your Sacrament may be needed.
Confirmation Students-To be Confirmed is one of the most important decisions you will have. Your Sacrament this year solidifies your beliefs in the church and its teachings. If you have any doubts I strongly recommend you talk to your parents, sponsor, Father, your teacher or another adult to get your questions answered and reaffirm your request to be Confirmed. Parents-The Baptismal promises you made at your child’s baptism solidifies that you will help them and guide them through their faith life. Continue to be role models and the primary teachers of our faith.
Links to Online Forms and Additional Information
Diocese of Winona Confirmation Guidelines
Candidate -
Verification of Baptism
Confirmation Name - Saint
Confirmation Name - Baptismal
Confirmation Sponsor Information - Filled Out by Candidate
Get to Know the Confirmation Candidate Form
Candidate's Letter of Request for Confirmation to the Bishop
Interview with Father
Sponsor -
Sponsor Information and Sponsor Letter Form
Sponsor Interview Questions
Service Hours -
Volunteer Opportunities
Individual Service Hours Form
Sponsor Service Project Form
Diocese of Winona Confirmation Guidelines
Candidate -
Verification of Baptism
Confirmation Name - Saint
Confirmation Name - Baptismal
Confirmation Sponsor Information - Filled Out by Candidate
Get to Know the Confirmation Candidate Form
Candidate's Letter of Request for Confirmation to the Bishop
Interview with Father
Sponsor -
Sponsor Information and Sponsor Letter Form
Sponsor Interview Questions
Service Hours -
Volunteer Opportunities
Individual Service Hours Form
Sponsor Service Project Form